Secure & Supportive Housing Solutions
Welcome to our Shelter category page! We understand the importance of having a safe and stable place to call home. Our non-profit organization is dedicated to providing support and resources to help families in need find affordable housing and secure shelter. Here are the services and initiatives we offer:

Low-Income and No-Income Rental Units
We work in collaboration with housing agencies, landlords, and community partners to provide affordable rental units for low-income and no-income families. Through our programs, we aim to match eligible families with suitable housing options and assist them in navigating the rental process.

Housing Counseling
Our organization provides housing counseling services to assist families in navigating the complexities of the housing market. Our trained counselors offer guidance on topics such as rental assistance programs, budgeting for housing, tenant rights, and homeownership opportunities.

Donated Single Family Homes
Generous donors contribute single-family homes to our organization to be utilized as shelter for families in need. We ensure that these homes are well-maintained and provide a safe and secure living environment for families who are transitioning out of homelessness or facing housing instability.

Homelessness Prevention
We believe in addressing the root causes of homelessness and preventing families from becoming homeless in the first place. We provide financial assistance, case management, and supportive services to families on the verge of eviction or facing housing crises, with the goal of helping them maintain stable housing.

Transitional Housing
We offer transitional housing programs that provide temporary shelter and support services to families who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness. These programs are designed to help families stabilize their living situations, access necessary resources, and work towards long-term housing solutions.
Access emergency shelters, transitional housing, rent assistance, and seasonal weather shelters to ensure safe and stable living conditions.

Emergency Shelters
Find immediate, safe housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Shelters offer not only a place to stay but often access to meals, hygiene facilities, and caseworker support.

Rent Assistance
Apply for programs that offer one-time or ongoing financial assistance to cover overdue rent or security deposits, ensuring families remain housed during financial hardships.

Transitional Housing
Access longer-term housing solutions designed to help individuals and families move from emergency shelters to permanent homes, providing stability and access to job training or counseling.

Weather Shelters
Utilize seasonal weather shelters that provide warmth and safety during extreme conditions, such as freezing winters or scorching heatwaves, with detailed resources from organizations like King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA).

13445 Martin Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98178
Call or Text us at: Phone Number(206) 466-3369

Lighthouse Apartments
Around the Clock Advice
Want advice on buying a home, renting, default, foreclosure avoidance, credit issues or reverse mortgages? housing counseling agency near you, or call HUD's interactive voice system at: (800) 569-428
Nanette Baus
206-395-2220Community ManagerFax:206-249-8020
VillageConceptsTDD:Call 711 for free relay service
22525 7thAveSouthEmail:nanb@villageconcepts.comDes Moines, WA 98198Website:https://adrianaseniorapts.com/
Village ConceptsPhone:253-929-8570
Title:Property ManagementFax:
Address:2020 A Street Suite 101Website:www.villageconcepts.com
Auburn, WA 98198
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans: Hotline: 1-877-424-3838 or 1-877-4AID VET – Provides homeless veterans and at-risk veterans free access to trained counselors 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Shelters and Assistance with Housing
King County
King County Regional Homeless Authority: 24-hour Crisis Line 1-866-427-4747
King County Homeless Housing Program: 1-206-263-9100
Snohomish County – Housing Authority of Snohomish County: 1-425-290-8499
Washington State Community Action Partnership - ask your local agency about programs to help you save energy and money
Weatherization Assistance
Washington State Community Action Partnership - ask your local agency about free and reduced cost weatherization services
Utility Programs
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Food Programs
Explore food assistance programs such as WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which provide eligible families with ongoing grocery support and nutritional education.

Community Drives
Participate in local food drives that offer free essential items, including canned goods, fresh produce, and hygiene products. These events often occur around holidays or in response to natural disasters or emergencies.